
Thirteen and the Ladies

Spoilers: This post talks a whole lot about "The Woman Who Fell to Earth," the series 11 premiere of "Doctor Who." So, if you haven't watched it yet, get to it. The new Doctor and her upcoming season has had me thinking about the importance of female representation in the media, particularly for geek/nerd culture,… Continue reading Thirteen and the Ladies

featured, sexual health

Oral Health is Health

Oral Health is Health Because of some terrifying childhood experiences, I’ve since been afraid of the dentist. Add my generalized anxiety on top of that and every cleaning becomes An Event. When my hygienist begins The Scraping of the Teeth, my entire body tenses. In all seriousness, I have to consciously untense every single muscle… Continue reading Oral Health is Health


Who Pays Does Not Define My Feminism

I'm a college graduate in a comfortable, full-time career, living on my own in a relatively affordable city. Like the majority of people my age, my rent is too damn high, my dog's immune system is too damn low (imagine the vet bills), the student loans are kicking in, and I refuse to stop buying… Continue reading Who Pays Does Not Define My Feminism


Rape Kits and What You Should Know About Them

Trigger warning: Rape, forensic exams, assault. Law and Order SVU was a staple in my parent's household. Growing up, I can't remember a single week where at some point that show wasn't on in the Balcom livingroom. While I don't remember being scared by any of the violence the show portrays, I do remember a… Continue reading Rape Kits and What You Should Know About Them


How to Identify an Abusive Relationship

Abuse occurs in many different types of relationships. Not just those spousal abuse cases, but the everyday friend/loved one abuse as well. It is not okay to ever feel belittled or out of place, especially by those who claim to love you. Those hidden door actions that no one ever speaks up against, especially when we… Continue reading How to Identify an Abusive Relationship